Under the Sea Dance Camp

June 17th-20th, Monday-Thursday from 9:00am-2:00pm // Add-On After Care Available from 2:00-4:00pm
for ages 4-8 years

Dive into a sea of dance and adventure with our Under the Sea Dance Camp! This enchanting camp will take your child on a deep dive into the wonders of the ocean. Each day, we'll explore different aspects of marine life and the magic of underwater worlds through dance, crafts, and imaginative play. Without the mention of specific movies, we'll still capture the essence of oceanic fantasy and adventure!

What wonders will they learn?
Monday: Magical Mermaids & Ocean Lore
Tuesday: Exploring Ocean Depths | Coral Reefs and Marine Life
Wednesday: Sea Creatures & Their Secrets | Learning Through Movement
Thursday: Beach Party Bash | Celebrating Ocean Conservation

Secure your spot and start the adventure of a lifetime with Under the Sea Dance Camp.

Remember to check our Summer Camp FAQ’s for details on what to wear and what to bring.
